Good oral hygiene is the best way to prevent periodontal disease and the effects it can have on your pet’s health. While we don’t think about our pet’s teeth until we’re blown away by their bad breath, the bacteria that linger in their mouth can circulate through their bloodstream, endangering their heart, kidneys or liver. In fact, organ infection and failure can often be tracked back to rotten teeth and inflamed gums.
To maintain good dental health, Hawthorne Animal Hospital recommends that every pet receives a dental exam and cleaning under anesthesia each year. Our veterinarians and technicians will not only polish up your pet’s pearly whites, but also perform an extensive examination of each and every tooth to uncover any underlying conditions that could threaten your pet’s well-being. In addition, we perform cat and dog dental surgery if a problem is uncovered.
After your pet’s cleaning, your veterinarian will review all the procedures that were performed and share recommendations for continued dental care. If any infection was found or any teeth extracted, your pet will be prescribed an antibiotic and anti-inflammatory to reduce any pain in the day ahead. While your pet may be drowsy in the hours to follow, they should be back to their normal self within 24 hours.
Don’t let an undiscovered tooth infection put your pet’s entire health at risk! Schedule their yearly dental exam today at 618-288-3971.
2nd Annual Angel Fund Golf Tournament. Presented by Royal Banks of Illinois.
June 19, 2025